For interested travelers to visit Nepal for various holidays from moderate to other adventure, including treks or leisure tours. Can visit Nepal with few obligatory like health certificate and medical paper of vaccination, against Covid-19.

Besides the above mandatory, rest is normal carrying valid passports not exceeding 6 months validity, from the expiry dates.  

Since Covid-19 was declared and spread around the world, Nepal was the least affected country, during the rise of the Pandemic. Few tourists dared to venture into Nepal after going through various safety measures, ruled by the Government of Nepal Medical Department. Which was quite a hectic phase for all visitors with PCR test and staying in isolation for a week duration. At present all wide-travelers can enter Nepal as it was normal in the past few years before the Pandemic.

Where few safety protocols have to be maintained, certificate of immunization or vaccination against Covid-19 and medical documents. Certified and granted permission by respective countries Medical Department and Doctors, including the purchase of Travel and Medical Insurance. Rest is as normal as before the Covid-19 was on the rise all around the globe.    

The new rules to enter Nepal after Covid-19 have not been changed, except for the price of visas. Which costs a little more than it was in the past years, the rest is following the rules and norms. As per the Government, instructions are to be practiced by visitors as well for all Nepali citizens. Like wearing masks most of the time, especially around crowded areas, and washing hands frequently if one feels insecure. 

The most important for visitors to Nepal is one needs to book with reputed and reliable travel or trekking companies. To make it easy as the local agent will issue a backup letter for your visiting purpose to Nepal.

Other a few rules to follow on visiting Nepal, where travelers interested in trekking needs to have a Government Regisrated guide. To make your travel in Nepal safe and much better, as well for the economy of the country. As well the guide and porters will be employed, which is the most important part that you can provide. 

To enter Nepal after Covid-19, will be a big change of scenario and a few rules to follow as a Responsible tourist. Where one has to maintain the norms of wearing masks most of the day, in crowded cities or on treks. Ensuring your safety and being good travelers and sticking with the rules set by the trekking companies. As well by the Government, where some villages and towns also have made their regulation for outside visitors. 

The country’s economy through tourism was declining for more than two years since Covid-19 was on the heights. But from last autumn season of 2021, the flow of visitors was on the rise, a good sign. Where tourism industry is slowly getting back to action, which is the country’s one of main economies.

As Covid-19 is slowly fading, tourism activities are gaining to previous positions. Where most of the strict rules, have been relaxed by the Government to encourage more visitors to enter Nepal. For various enjoyable holidays and adventures around the Himalayas or just relax in the comfort of luxury Mountain Resorts.

However, the Covid-19 situation is not completely eradicated in most countries and Nepal has always been a safe, secure country. At present visitors can enter Nepal as a normal tourists with valid passports to enjoy as per your holiday duration.

In the case of new rules related to Covid-19 and the new virus Omicron, which is not present in Nepal. The Government may announce and declare a new protocol for citizens’ and visitors’ safety.