It’s tempting to think that summer camp is all about marshmallows and campfires. Nothing could be further from the truth. At present, there are countless enriching alternatives that get participants to put away their electronic devices and fully appreciate the view around them. These summer programs focus on hands-on learning and building dazzling adventures in the real world, which are specifically designed for youth and young adults. We’ve done some detective work and found out that there’s a premier selection of summer camp trekking in Nepal too, introducing participants to winter sports, interesting games, and, most importantly, new friends. If you’ve never ever gone on a summer camp broad, start making plans. 


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Going to summer camp abroad can be a life-changing experience 

If you’re unsure about your own vacation plans, take into account the possibility of going abroad for summer camp. Traveling goes hand in hand with cultural immersion. To be more precise, you’ll get a completely different perspective on other parts of the world. Not only can you learn a new language but also get together with people with different cultural backgrounds. The camp program is designed so as to foster independence and resilience, which are handy skills to master, no matter at what point in life you find yourself at. You’ve got the liberty to choose your adventure that features hiking, rock climbing, and so on. If you’re still on the fence, you won’t be after you read this. 

Going to summer camp abroad, no matter what your destination is, is a genuinely life-changing experience, which transforms you in a profound way. It doesn’t make much of a difference what you do, whether you’re only with one person or a large group. You feel like you’re doing something important, as you’re breaking out of your intellectual isolation by exploring new people and processes. In Nepal, for instance, you can roam around Kathmandu and watch the locals practicing Buddhist rituals. You have the opportunity to grow a lot in just a couple of days. An experience like summer camp can bring about impressive transformation in your life.

Having tons of fun thanks to activities that you can’t recreate at home   

Chances are that you’re familiar with the saying “all work and no play”. Not taking time off – in other words, not enjoying yourself – can be bad for the health. Having fun in your life is a paramount requirement for success, no matter what you wish to achieve. You’ve got to take care of the mind, body, and spirit. If you don’t take time to relax and have fun, you’re sabotaging yourself. Hard as it may be, find time to go to summer camp. In case you didn’t already know, traveling is an entertaining experience. You can take part in special events, city trips, basically anything that makes your experience an unforgettable one. 

If you’re not up for traveling long distances, find something closer to home. NY parents, for example, prefer sending their offspring to Queens NY summer camps owing to the safe environment, experienced counselors, not to mention that it keeps them busy out of school. In an age when most of us spend time in front of the screen to chill, spending time outside is essential. It’s important to get away from it all and talk to real people in the real world. None of the present summer camp options are nothing like you’ve ever experienced. Get away from that tablet and smartphone and take a long trip. You won’t even realize how fast time flies. 

Not all summer camp activities can be recreated at home. While you can install an inflatable pool and pretend you’re swimming in the Smoky Mountains, you can’t recreate hiking. You can just pretend you’re hiking, but it’s nothing like going for a long, vigorous walk on the trails. To sum up, summer camp is extra fun. Instead of setting up a tent in the backyard and sleeping under the stars, you should better travel around the world. Before you know it, summer will be here. Why not do something different this year? There’s literally a world that waits to be discovered in the form of fun and traveling. 

Is it safe to go to summer camp in 2021? Why, yes!  

If you’re like everyone else, you’re hesitant about embarking on an adventure right now. COVID-19 continues to infect people each day and there’s no sign that it will slow down any time soon. Perhaps not, but we’ve been fortunate enough to develop a vaccine, which helps us make antibodies and fight with the infection. This won’t be just another summer. More exactly, vaccine availability and distribution will take place until mid-summer 2021, so the summer won’t catch you unprepared. Canceling your adventure isn’t recommended. Even before the discovery of the vaccine, numerous summer camps succeeded in preventing COVID-19 outbreaks by imposing social distancing measures and wearing masks. 

Containing the deadly virus is possible, but if you’re still hesitant about getting COVID-19, attend a virtual summer camp. Many summer camps are rolling out virtual versions, with many spots to fill. The counselors haven’t changed, but a couple of aspects are different. Campers don’t have the chance to meet face to face and each day is shorter. It might not be your kind of fund, but keep in mind that it’s a unique and thoroughly engaging experience. Summer is one of the most beautiful seasons and staying locked up inside can make anyone cringe. Make sure this time is filled with adventure and fun. Going to summer camp is truly enriching, whether you stay home or go on a long trip.

If you’re past the age of summer camp, make sure your kids have the time of their lives this summer. Let them enjoy sweet moments of magic meant to spark their imagination and give them a break from day-to-day life. Make your children understand the importance of regular hand-washing and make sure the camp takes measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus.