Good News! To all wide travelers visiting Nepal for various exotic Himalayan destinations, the country is back to normal. As it were before the Covid-19 up- rise during the end of 2019 till 2021, but from 2022. The Covid-19 viral infection has been controlled in most countries, including Nepal.
Where nearly all Nepalese citizen of more than 23 million has been immunized against the Pandemic of Covid-19 and Omicron.
The current Covid-19 Situation in Nepal is safe, but with strict precaution measures among the citizen, masks and sanitizer are mandatory.
Nepal had few effects of the Covid-19, so far thousands of people were suffered from the pandemic. Few hundreds of death tolls, but at present since last six months from the end of 2021 have slowed down.
The arrival of foreign visitors is slowly increasing, from the beginning of autumn 2021 and looks good. A bright prospect for Nepal, the upcoming spring-mass booking for various adventures around Nepal Himalayas is continuing.
There might be some restrictions in other countries, but Nepal has opened up the doors, welcoming interested visitors to Nepal. The flow of tourism is gradually increasing for a wide range of holidays in and around the Himalayas.
The current Covid-19 situation in Nepal has been amazingly safe where all normal activities are back to normal. This shows the country is ready for all types of travelers to enjoy a great adventure holiday.
Even during the critical situation in the eve of Pandemic in 2020 and early 2021, where visitors were allowed. But with strict medical regulations of isolation for a week, and other formalities related to Covid-19 precaution.
Those past two years seem like a dream to many people, who have survived the Pandemic. Grateful and thankful to medical science for inventing and discovering the vaccination against the Covid-19.
After a year of strong spread of Pandemic, vaccinations from donor’s countries began to arrive in Nepal. Mainly from China and USA, including a few other countries, it was a great gift against Covid-19. At present, it looks like new bright dawn has reached Nepal, where most people are safe and sound.
Due to the availability of upgraded vaccination against Covid-19, Nepal and the rest of the world has awakened from isolation and Lockdown. Where people around the globe have learned some lessons, being careful and aware as well keeping up with hygiene.
Nepal and throughout the country are ready for visitors, the current situation is much better than the past two years back. The flow of tourism is on the rise, the restaurants and tourist standard hotels, lodges, and resorts are flourishing slowly.
In other words, the country at present situation is alive and kicking, with the normal life of bustling cities. As well around Nepal’s crowded areas, are safe but with precautionary measures of wearing masks, which has become compulsory.
Even there is no risk of a pandemic in the present situation, the public is used to maintaining the hygiene level.
All big cities and towns are back to normal as they were, including the hills and mountain region. The Himalayas and the local native of high hills and mountains were always safe and secure from the pandemic.
The current situation regarding the Covid-19 is very rare and scarce, with hardly any new cases have been on reported. Especially around the southern borders of Nepal and India, where few cases have been reported. But that is due to the flow of migrant Nepali working in India, at present all borders have health posts.
Where each person entering Nepal by overland is strictly checked for Covid-19 or new virus omicron infected person.
So far so good, Nepal is on the brink of new dawn safe and sound from the pandemic. Where all interested and eager can join and book for various exciting adventure holidays around Nepal Himalayas. The upcoming spring of 2022 looks bright and lively. Welcoming the visitors to get refreshed into the pure and fresh mountain air of Nepal Himalayas. The hills will be bright and spectacular with wildflowers in full bloom, making your holiday in Nepal a mesmerizing experience.
If you are looking for a safe haven, visit Nepal from this spring onwards.
Where you can have the best of all enjoyable holidays in the harmony of the picturesque scenery of Himalayan peaks.